Shame, Shame, Shame…

Shame, Shame, Shame…

I haven’t updated Sick as My Secrets since Howie’s birthday last August, and that is just sad!  I will apologize one more time for being so lame this last year.  I’m sorry!

Now that that’s out the way… Chapter 23 is up!

I’ve been sitting on this chapter for a year, trying to decide if the first draft of it was really where I wanted to go with this part of the story or if I wanted to take it in a different, less dramatic direction.  Seems like I run into this dilemma at some point in the middle of all of my medical dramas, when I have to decide whether to put my main character through more pain and suffering for the sake of drama or give them a break.  I always, always choose drama, but sometimes I look back and wonder, Would the story have been as good or better if I had just skipped this part?  But I guess I will never find out because I went ahead and stuck with my original plan in this one too. 😉  I figured it’s a fanfic, and you guys wouldn’t be reading it if you didn’t want drama.  The more, the better, right?  I hope so, ’cause here it goes.  Enjoy Chapter 23!

I’m going to keep updating at least once a week until I run out of chapters, so there will be more where this one came from soon.  Also, stay tuned for some Song of the Undead chapters in the very near future because we are SO close to finishing it!

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  1. Danielle d

    You have a really cool website I always stop by here whenever I’m bored and read fanfiction and read the same ones I read before lol keep up the good work I hope you make more about Brian big fan of his ☺

    1. Thanks! Glad you’re enjoying the site and stories! I am also a big Brian fan and used to write a lot about him, but lately I’ve been writing more Nick stories. I would love to write another Brian story at some point. Thanks again for taking the time to leave a comment; I really appreciate it!