Chapter 14


“I’ve heard lots of crap from you before AJ, but this takes the cake!” Brian was outraged.  Even more so than Howie had been when AJ had first told him what he had thought.  He actually charged at AJ and tried to hit him.  Kevin grabbed his arms and held them behind his back.  Brian fought and screamed till he was red in the face and shaking with rage.  Kevin had to force him down to the floor, “Calm down, Brian.”


“He accused my best friend of… of being a crack head!” Brian yelled, “A junkie!  I’ll kill him when you let me go!”


“Brian, we have to face facts,” Howie was saying slowly, “Nick exhibits so many symptoms of drug abuse it’s not funny!”


Brian relaxed in Kevin’s grip, “God, if it’s true I’ll never forgive myself.  Stupid me, I thought he was starving himself!”


Kevin rubbed his shoulders and helped him to stand, “Cuz, you can’t blame yourself for what Nick does to himself.”


“No, you’re right cuz.  I don’t just blame myself, I blame you guys too!” Brian wiped his face with his shirt.


AJ’s mouth fell open, and Howie and Kevin stared.  Strangely enough no one argued with Brian’s assessment.  They simply stood staring at one another.


“Where’s Nick at?” AJ asked gruffly.  He rubbed his temples and searched his pockets for his carton of cigarettes.


“In his room,” Brian said soberly, “Said he was tired.”


“You believed that?” AJ asked incredulously.


“What’s that supposed to mean?” Brian asked defensively.


“How much you wanna bet he’s not in there,” AJ said brusquely pushing past the others and making his way to the door.  He got to Nick’s door in a flash and knocked once.  No answer.  


“Maybe he’s asleep,” Brian said sounding nervous, “Lets not bother him.”


Kevin gave Brian a look, then jogged back to his room.  He returned a minute later with a card key that he inserted in the door.  He pushed the door open and went inside followed closely by the others, “Nick?”


The room was dark, and empty.  Howie flipped the light switch.  “His bed’s never been touched.”


“He must have snuck out right after he told me he was gonna go to sleep,” Brian flopped down hard on the bed.  


“Where would he be?” Kevin asked aloud to Howie and AJ who now seemed to hold all the answers. He looked tired, and helpless.  


Howie looked at AJ, “He’s probably out at a club or something wiggin’.”


“Wiggin’?” Kevin questioned.


“Doing acid, snorting up, lighting up… Lord knows what he’s doing now.  I know for sure he uses some type of amphetamine, or coke, but I don’t know what else.”


“How would you know?” Kevin looked over to AJ.


“I’ve had friends, and girlfriends who’ve experimented with the stuff.  He’s overly hyper, he talks over a mile per minute, and hey, I think he could fit into my pants now if he wanted to,” AJ was relaying as he shooed Brian off the bed and began lifting the mattress.


“What are you doing AJ?” Kevin asked as AJ threw the mattress to the floor.


“If the kid’s on drugs then he’s gotta have a stash somewhere right?  Lets find it,” AJ stripped the mattress of its dressings, “That way when he comes back and tries to deny anything, we’ll have something to throw in his face.”


Howie and Kevin nodded, and went to different sides of the room to strip search the perimeter.  Only Brian hesitated.  




Brian finally nodded and got off the bed.  He went into the closet and began searching Nick’s clothing.



 “Nothing,” Howie said with an exhausted groan, “this room is clean.”


Brian and AJ sat on the bed also, slightly defeated but not over all disappointed.  Maybe they had been wrong and Nick was not on drugs.  


“Hey,” came Kevin’s voice.  Uh-oh, it sounded like he had found something, “Hello… What are these?”


Kevin tossed about 6 bottles of prescription medication on the bed.  


Howie grabbed for one, Brian and AJ took the others.


“He said it was migraine stuff,” Brian whispered softly as he read the label, “Prozac…”


“Valium,” AJ read, “Librium…”


“These are tranquilizers, and antidepressants,” Howie said shaking the bottles then popping their tops to look inside.


“Does anybody remember anything about Nick seeing a psychiatrist?” Kevin asked taking one of the bottles.


Everyone shook their heads, “We wouldn’t have noticed if he had told us with the way we all were acting!” Brian muttered, “Dr. Sears.  Think we should call him up to see if he wrote these prescriptions because Nick needed them, or…”


“Brian check your watch,” AJ said, “What doctor’s office would be open at this time?”


Brian’s head drooped, “So maybe it’s not drugs.  Maybe he’s just taking this stuff…”


“Brian, drugs are drugs, whether they be prescription or not!” Kevin stood up, “He’s endangering himself, and we have to do something about it.”


“I wonder if anyone else has noticed his behavior but us,” Howie looked curious, “Like his parents, maybe they know he’s been acting strangely, or his friends…  I know he doesn’t have many outside of us, but still.”


Kevin was nodding, “We should give his parents a call.”


Brian nodded.  He moved to the hotel phone and tried to recall the number.  He dialed slowly, “What do I say guys?”


“I’ll talk,” Kevin volunteered reaching for the phone.  Brian’s face looked relieved, then troubled.  He hung up the phone.




“According to the operator the Carter’s don’t live there anymore.  It says the line’s been disconnected.”







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