Chapter 30


Aaron found himself at a pay phone in the airport. He needed to call his sister, but he didn’t want her checking the caller ID and seeing Dad’s number pop up.  His father had called and called and no one had answered BJ’s cell phone.  Aaron just hoped he would have better luck.  As the phone rang for the twentieth time he felt his heart begin to sink.  He was about to hang up when...   “Hello?” the person who answered sounded out of breath.


“AJ?” Aaron questioned the owner of the voice.  It sure sounded like AJ. What was he doing with BJ’s phone.  


“Yeah... who is this?” AJ asked sounding puzzled.


 “It’s Aaron.”


“Aaron?  Geez boy, you’re starting to sound like somebody now!” AJ joked with a laugh.


Aaron couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth, “Where’s my sister?”


There was silence on AJ’s end for a second or two, “She’s busy right now Air-boy. Can I help you with something?”


“How’s my brother AJ? Are you guys taking good care of him now?” Aaron’s smile faded as the tears came into his eyes.  He was so close to Nick now, they were in the same city... Now if he could only reach him, get to him.  He turned his head to scan for his Dad. Nowhere in sight, he was renting a car.  Aaron had slipped away and was using a phone by the men’s room on the opposite side of his father.


“Aar... uh, yeah. Yeah we’re taking care of your brother for ya,” AJ said softly, “Aaron...”


“Listen, you have to do me a major favor,” Aaron was quick to override AJ’s next statement.  His Dad was probably looking for him by now.


“Favor? Like, like what?” AJ was stuttering.  Good Lord what did he think Aaron was gonna ask for, a kidney?  


“I’m at Continental airport... Can someone come pick me up, like now,” Aaron’s voice was urgent.


“You’re alone at the...?”


“No, no.... it’s a long story. But I need to see my bro, and the only way I can do it is if you come get me...”


“Aaron, who are you...?”


“My Dad, AJ. My Dad, and he’s determined to find Nick, and who knows what the hell he’s going to do when he does.  First, he’s gonna track down Mom, then he’s gonna find you guys... I want to get to Nick before he does. Please AJ, please!”


“Aaron, do you realize your father could file kidnapping charges on us if we...”


“I don’t care AJ! Please! I’ll never ask you for anything else again!” Aaron was practically in tears.  


“Aaron, Aaron calm down...” AJ was saying in a low voice, “Aaron, I would come get you.. But Aaron, the scene here ain’t pretty ok.  Maybe it’d be better if you didn’t see Nick... at least not in the shape he’s in now.”


“AJ, I don’t care... I need to see him. I don’t care what he looks like, how’s he’s acting... I wanna help him,” Aaron was pleading, “Please... please just pick me up.”


“Aaron, you’re gonna get me killed,” AJ was hissing into the receiver, “Ok, ok, calm down. Fine. I’ll... I’ll be there in about 15 minutes ok?  Go to the restaurant across the street and wait for me there, ok?”


Aaron was nodding, “Thank you Alex.”


“Don’t thank me yet kid,” AJ muttered, “I’ll be there in a few.”  He disconnected, and Aaron gathered his bags.  He was careful to watch out for his Dad as he crept out of the booth and dashed for the glass doors that would take him into the lobby, then out to the street.



“Where ya going Alex?” Howie was pouring himself a cup of coffee.


“Store,” AJ said gruffly, he didn’t know how anyone would take the news about him going to get Aaron.  Damn it, Aaron... What would he say when he saw his big brother in such a state. Maybe he wouldn’t have to see him. They’d just keep him downstairs. Nick’s bedroom would be off limits or something.


“What for?” Kevin questioned holding out his coffee cup so Howie could pour some coffee into his mug.


“Pepsi,” AJ said quickly, “I got a craving.”


“Get me a root beer,” Howie said absently.


AJ blinked, they had bought into his lame excuse? He didn’t believe it. They never bought his excuses before... Hmmm, maybe he was just getting good at it.  


“See you guys in a few,” AJ said he retreated out the backdoor.  His Prowler sat in the driveway.  He deactivated the alarm, which also unlocked the doors , and climbed into his car. Alright, here we go.  He put the car in reverse and then began his drive to the airport.



Aaron sat in the pretty much vacant restaurant slurping on a chocolate shake and tapping his fingers on the table.  The waitress that had seated him kept glancing at him ever so often. She was nosy, Aaron decided. He smiled at her and concentrated on his shake.  He heard the door bells ring alerting the waiters that there was a customer.  Aaron barely glanced up, but when he did his eyes sprang open. It had to be AJ. The new customer wore a long sleeved shirt, a pull down hat and sunglasses.  He looked in Aaron’s direction and smiled.  Aaron slid out of the booth and ran to him, giving him a tight hug that AJ returned.  “I left my stuff at the table.”


“Well then let’s go get it,” AJ said walking with Aaron back to the table to collect his luggage.  They left the restaurant, AJ leaving a large tip for the waitress, and went straight to the car.  “Keep your head down, I bet Bob has had the whole airport turned upside down looking for you. The last thing we need is for someone to spot us.”


Aaron obeyed.  AJ unlocked the doors and tossed in Aaron’s bags. “Get in back and stay down.”


Aaron climbed in the back seat unable to disguise his goofy grin, this felt like an adventure, and in a way it was.  AJ climbed into the driver’s seat and started the car.  Aaron heard the pavement rumbling as the car began to move forward.  He wondered how Nick and BJ would react to his presence.... hell, he wondered how everyone would react to his presence... and more than that... He was wondering how his Dad was reacting to his lack of presence.







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