Chapter 4


 “Hey, this is AJ, you know the drill,” Howie rolled his eyes and licked his lips impatiently.  This had been the 5th time he had called, and he had an inkling feeling that AJ was home.  “Alex, listen man, I know you’re there, and I’m not gonna stop callin’ till ya pick up.  Please, bro, just call me back whenever you’re ready, Ok?  I need to talk to you, it’s important.”  Howie disconnected feeling a bit depressed.  How was he gonna arrange a group meeting without the whole group?  He suddenly felt impulsive.  Time to see if AJ had gone on a vacation, or was dodging phone calls.  He grabbed his car keys off the kitchen counter.  He was going over to AJ’s.  



He decided not to park in the driveway.  He didn’t want to take any chance of AJ spotting him early and trying to pretend like he wasn’t there.  Howie took the back approach to AJ’s home and parked on the other side of the street behind the neighbor’s bushes.  He casually made his way to the front door, and rung the bell.  It was maybe 10 minutes before Howie sighed, thinking that AJ really wasn’t home.  Maybe he was on vacation and not just ignoring Howie.  Howie leaned on the front door in defeat.  Damn it.  Then the door swung open.  Howie, losing his support, fell forward inside the doorway.  He used his hands to break his fall on the tic-tack tile work of AJ’s floor.  He looked down to see a pair of striped socks, he glanced up to meet AJ’s unhappy expression, “Um… hi Alex.”  Howie stood with no help from AJ and invited himself inside.  AJ stood behind him, staring at his back, “What do you want Howie?”


“Well, haven’t you received any of my messages Aje?” Howie turned to face his friend… his friend who looked horrible.  He had let his mustache and goatee go…  He looked like a wooly mammoth.  Howie controlled his urge to laugh.  


“Oh yeah. Those.  Yeah, I got them, all 5 of them,” AJ said with a shrug, “Why do you wanna talk now Howie?  After all this time?”


Howie felt his need to laugh disappearing as he watched his friend proceed to run his hands over his face roughly, and remove a nearly empty pack of cigarettes. He shook the second to last cigarette out of the carton and lit it up. The house smelled like an ashtray.  


“AJ? How many cigarettes a day have you been smoking?” Howie asked kindly removing the cigarette from AJ’s mouth.


“Damn it Howie!  I only got one more left! What do you care anyway?” AJ turned away from Howie and lit his final cigarette.  He walked into his living room.  Howie cringed at the clashing fabrics decorating AJ’s abode, then straightened his shoulders out, “AJ, that’s why I came. To let you know that I do care, and that I’m sorry for not doing a very good job of showing it to you before.”


AJ snorted and flicked ashes in the overflowing ashtray.  


“AJ, I’ve been so caught up in my own world that forgot about my friends.  We all have been, and now the time has come to make it right.”


“And how are you going to go about that Howie?” AJ asked sprawling the loveseat and blowing out smoke rings.  He chuckled as Howie choked on the smoke and fanned it away.  


“I’m wanna talk AJ,” Howie said simply, folding his arms over his chest and sitting back in the armchair he was now sitting in.  He tossed the cigarette he had confiscated from AJ’s mouth into the ashtray.  Well, almost did, he missed.  AJ chuckled again, “Ok Howie.  One problem.  What if I don’t wanna talk? Then what?”


“Then I’ll talk, AJ,” Howie shrugged and leaned forward in his chair, “Communication is a two way thing.  I want to apologize to you for letting you down, and tell you why I did it.  You only have to listen, and if you still feel the same way when I’m done… I can show myself the way out.”



Robert McLean was a man who had it all.  He had a wonderful new job that he loved, a loving fiancé who would soon be his loving wife, and a beautiful new house.  The only thing he was lacking was a child, a son… But wait a minute, he did!  After 18 years Daddy decides it’s time to come home.  AJ received the phone call a few months ago. Did Howie know how much it hurt to answer the phone for your own father the same way you would answer to a perfect stranger?  No, he didn’t.  But now he did.  AJ’s voice shook as recanted the phone call.  His father called and began speaking to him as if he had just called yesterday, as if he had never left.  AJ had been stunned into silence as he listened to his father’s voice drone on about how happy he was to speaking with AJ, and how wonderful it was that AJ had become successful.  AJ kind of nodded along through the whole conversation, too nervous to speak to the parent he thought he had driven away forever.  He thought his father might hang up and never call back again if he said something wrong.  He was famous for that.  


As a small child AJ had always wondered what he had done to make his father so angry that he left and never came to see him.  Other kids’ parents got divorces, but they still saw their daddies.  Why was AJ different?  Why didn’t his Daddy love him like everyone else’s daddies loved them?  What was wrong with him?  As he grew older he tried to drive out that insecurity by launching himself in acting and performing.  Being in the Backstreet Boys was the best thing that ever happened to him.  In his Backstreet world he could forget about not being accepted by his father, because he was basically being accepted everywhere else.  His mother told him over and over again that it wasn’t his fault.  He knew that, he knew that, Howie… but deep inside, he still blamed himself.  


Then out of the blue his dad calls. AJ was stunned, then angered.  His father had walked out on him and thought he could just walk back in? It’s not that easy!  AJ wouldn’t make it easy.  Then he found out the reason his father was calling. The next day AJ wanted to apologize to his father, he felt so bad for being so cold.  He found out where he lived and drove right over.  Instead of meeting with his father he met with his soon-to-be stepmother, whom he had heard nothing about.  She was a spiteful woman, and gave AJ an earful.  She made sure he knew that she would never be able to give his father kids.  AJ was the only child he had, and his father felt left out at all the father-son outings his friends would go on.  He wanted to join in on the fun, but then found out his soon-to-be-wife couldn’t have children…  That’s when he called AJ.  AJ was his father’s back up plan, his second prize.  AJ left soon after he arrived.  He didn’t drive straight home.  He instead went to where his father worked.  After waiting for a few hours he finally got a glimpse of the man that he hadn’t seen in 18 years. He hardly recognized him.  His father was quick to recognize him though.  He saw him and smiled, started walking towards him… AJ jumped in his Prowler and drove away as fast as he could go.  After that the phone calls from his father would never cease.  AJ had to take the phone off the hook at one point.  The only peace he got was on tour, but even then the letters would come. He couldn’t get away from it, and it was driving him insane.  He took it out on everyone….  He realized this all at once as his shoulders sagged and he began to cry.  


 He almost jumped when arms encircled him and held him close. He had forgotten his brother Howie was there.  But he would never forget that again.  







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