Man, I was so proud of myself back in December when I was writing chapters that also took place in December. It felt almost like I was writing in real time, even though my story takes place eleven years ago. I thought for sure that I would have some Christmas chapters ready to post in time for Christmas, which would have been perfect! Unfortunately, Chapter 51 turned out to be over ten thousand words long, and Chapter 52 (which was technically the first of said Christmas chapters) unfortunately coincided with my latest Sims 4 phase and took me a month to finish. That is why I’m just now posting the second of said Christmas chapters after Valentine’s Day. 🤦♀️ Fail.
But, in any case, Chapter 53 of The World Will Be Waiting is up! Better late than never. I haven’t opened The Sims in well over a week, and I’m officially back on track with my writing! The streak never stopped (it’s up to 757 days now!), but I’m not having to force myself to put words on the page just to keep it going anymore. I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter and am happy with how it turned out. It’s more of a Dawn-centered chapter, which was a nice departure after writing several Natalie chapters in a row. Confession time: I enjoy writing Dawn’s character more than Natalie’s. This is not a clue to the direction the story is going in; it’s just the honest truth. It was very evident to me as I was writing this chapter and the next one, which I’m working on now and is also very Dawn-centered so far, even though it was supposed to go back to Natalie. Anyway, it made me curious about which of the female characters my readers prefer, so if you’re reading this story, please vote in the poll below! I promise this is not meant to influence the plot in any way; it’s just for fun!
Also, I promise the other Boys will be back in the story at some point soon-ish as the story shifts back to them finishing the album and eventually rehearsing for the tour! I still have a lot of story left to write, so yeah… it’s gonna be a long one. Thanks for reading! And, since I won’t be updating again on Tuesday, I want to wish a very happy birthday to my boy, Brian! 💙