Guilty Roads! For Real!

You’re never going to believe this, but Guilty Roads has been updated with Chapter 12!  LP is going to be excited, I know! 🙂

I am sincerely sorry that it’s been SO long since the last GR update in January of 2012.  I started off strong with this story in June of 2010, and then I got the idea for Curtain Call, and ever since then, there’s always been another story that has sounded better or, to be perfectly honest, easier to write, and Guilty Roads has gotten pushed further and further down the priority list.  The good news is that I’ve since finished some of these stories or at least gotten them out of my system, in order to make GR a priority again.

Honestly, this story has not been an easy one to write.  As much as I enjoy reading suspense, writing it is a completely different story – it’s hard for me!  Add in the fact that this one has a complicated plot with several interweaving storylines that require a lot of research, and this has proven to be quite the challenge.

I held off on posting this chapter until I had made enough progress to ensure I’d be able to update at least a few more times before falling by the wayside again – and hopefully that won’t happen this time.  Curtain Call is done, Secrets of the Heart is done, and Song for the Undead is almost done, so I’m not stretched QUITE as thin as I have been for the past three years.  I’m really hoping I can keep up the momentum I’ve had going this week and not get blocked again so I can keep churning out chapters because I know some of you have been waiting quite patiently for more for a long time now!  I don’t want to disappoint.

I hope you enjoy the update.  Please leave a review and let me know if you’re still reading!

Yellow Roses

Well, I didn’t expect it to take me another month to finish the story I gave you a sneak peek of in my last update, but it did.  What can I say?  The end of the school year is busy, and so far, the start of summer vacation has been pretty busy, too!  That said, I AM on summer vacation now, so I finally got around to finishing the next installment of Footprints, “Yellow Roses.”  This one’s for the Nick and Claire shippers – it’s the sappiest piece of romantic fluff I’ve written in awhile!  Chronologically, this will probably be the LAST part of Footprints, though I may go back and add in some other parts before it.  Probably not anytime soon, though.

I’m hoping to go back to Guilty Roads next.  I have had some success finishing chapters for that lately and will start posting them once I feel more confident that I can keep them coming.  What I don’t want to do is update and then leave everyone hanging again for as long as I have the last couple of times.

I also have a couple of crossovers in the works – Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Backstreet Boy, which is further along than what is posted here, and an ER crossover which I’ve started but haven’t posted.  If anyone’s interested in either of those projects, leave a comment and let me know!

Thanks to those of you who have registered for the site and left reviews on what you’ve read recently; I really appreciate the feedback!

Another Anniversary, Another Update!

As promised, I’m back with another update, but unfortunately, it’s not done, so all you get is a sneak peek today.

Over on the Absolute Chaos forum, Maggie posted a challenge in honor of the Backstreet Boys’ 20th anniversary.  The challenge was to write a story about a 20th anniversary celebration.  My mind went immediately to Nick and Claire, and that is why I went back to writing Footprints.  I’ve been working on what eventually may be the final part of Footprints (I will go back to fill in the gaps, but this one will be the last to occur chronologically), a story about their 20th wedding anniversary.  It just so happens that in the Broken universe, their anniversary is May 14, so I really wanted to have the story done in time to post today.  Unfortunately, real life (and last night’s tour planning frenzy!) got in the way, and I’ve only just begun.  So I’ll do something I rarely do and post a sneak peek now and the rest when I finish.  This is more to satisfy my own obsessive-compulsive need to halfway meet my deadline than to appease you all, but hey, you get something out of it, too.  So here is a snippet of the next installment of Footprints, Yellow Roses.”

Happy 3rd anniversary to my fanfic power couple, Broken Nick and Claire!

Nick & Claire wedding pic
Let’s celebrate with a badly photoshopped wedding picture I made circa 2007 for a banner for a third story that (thankfully) never amounted to anything.


More Footprints!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

I’ve posted another segment of Footprints, this one called “Bygones.”  This is the first scene I envisioned when I got the idea for the story after watching the season finale of ER in 2007, so it was nice to finally get to write it, six years later… LOL.  (I’m hoping this will happen with Guilty Roads over the summer, but I make no promises.)

Enjoy the update!  I may be back with another one on Tuesday if I can get it written in time.

13 Years Ago…

…I posted my first webpage on Yahoo! Geocities, and Dreamer’s Sanctuary was born!

In honor of the site’s thirteenth birthday, I have an update on a story that’s half as old!  Footprints has been updated again with a new part, entitled “Rejection.”  Enjoy!


Fresh Footprints!

It’s been almost five years since I’ve updated Footprints, the companion piece to Broken and By My Side.  It was started as a side project, but I’ve since moved on to other stories and characters.

A recent challenge got me thinking about Nick and Claire again, and I finally got inspired to finish the next “footprint” I had started about five years ago.  Hopefully there will be more where this one came from, but for now, Footprints has been updated with a new part, called “Windows.”

I hope my Broken readers will enjoy it!

Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday, the Backstreet Boys celebrated their 20th anniversary as a group!  It was fun to look back on the last twenty years, but even more fun to look forward to what the future will bring for the Boys and us Backstreet fans:  new music, another album, a world tour, a documentary, and of course, the next cruise!  It’s so great to see the five of them together, when so many people thought they’d be long since broken up by now.  Last night’s celebrations made me feel proud and blessed to be a BSB fan!

Dreamer’s Sanctuary also has an anniversary coming up soon.  Next week, on April 29, the site will celebrate its 13th birthday.  That’s right, DS is almost a teenager!  It’s crazy to think I’ve been at this that long, since I was a teenager myself, but I’m proud of how much the site has grown since then and grateful to those of you who still visit, whether you’ve been around since the beginning or just recently discovered it.  Thank you!  I hope this place will be around for many more years to come!

In honor of both anniversaries, I have an update for you today:  three more installments of Revenge of the Slaughtered!  They are Kills #24-26, and together, they make up the Kitt Fit Kill Trilogy.  For those of you who have the stomach to digest my gory horror, I hope you enjoy!  For those of you who don’t… well, my summer vacation starts in about a month, so hopefully you’ll get some more variety when I have more time to write!

Until then, thanks for visiting, and happy reading!

One Life Ends, Another Begins

I hope you enjoyed my April Fool’s story better than my first April Fool’s prank.

I actually have two real story updates for you today!

Chapter 105 of Song for the Undead is up, as well as Kill #23 for Revenge of the Slaughtered, written by yours truly!  All of the chapters I’ve contributed to both Revenge of the Slaughtered and 1000 Ways to Kill Nick Carter are now posted right here on the site, as well as on Absolute Chaos, where you can contribute a chapter of your own if you’d like!

In other news, the Dreamer’s Sanctuary forum has undergone an upgrade and is looking better than ever!  Head on over to discuss your favorite fanfics, the Boys, and more!

Enjoy the updates!

April Fool!


Please disregard my previous post. I am not taking a hiatus from fan fiction; that was an April fool. And to prove it, I’ve written a new story for you! It’s a one-shot called Behind the Curtain, and it’s a companion piece to Curtain Call.

Click the banner below to go directly to the story, or you can also access it from the Short Stories page.

Enjoy the update, and thanks for the tweets from those of you who reacted to my “announcement,” whether you believed it or not.  That was a hard post to write; I’m glad it wasn’t for real!

The End of an Era

Once again, this is not an update, but, rather, an announcement.

If you’ve been coming to this site for any length of time, I’m sure you’re aware of how the updates have slowed down over the last few months/years.  It’s been especially slow lately.  I have been busy with real life, of course, but I won’t make any more excuses.  The truth is that I just haven’t had the motivation or inspiration to write.

This has been going on for awhile.  It’s evident in the lack of updates on all of my stories.  Guilty Roads hasn’t been updated in I don’t even know how long.  The Harry Potter crossover that was I so gung-ho about around this time last year hasn’t been updated since.  Even the collaborations I was so into have fallen by the wayside.

It is with a heavy heart that I admit defeat and officially announce that I am taking a hiatus from writing fan fiction.  I will continue to contribute to 00Carter and help Rose finish Song for the Undead because I owe her and my other co-writers that much, but for the time being, I will not be updating any of my other projects.  I want to use this time to focus on my personal life and other creative endeavors, without the pressure of any unfinished novels or a website waiting to be updated.

Lately, whenever I think of this site or the stories on it, I get a sick feeling in my stomach because I know I’m letting you down.  Take today, for example.  It’s April Fool’s Day, and I ALWAYS do something to the site or write a joke story for April Fool’s.  In twelve years, I have never failed to produce an April Fool’s prank.  But this year?  I got nothing.  It hit me this weekend as I was scrambling to come up with an idea, knowing I had no time and even less inspiration to get something done.  And that’s when I knew… this is the end.

I’ve always vowed I would never be one of those writers who just falls off the face of the internet and disappears, never to update her stories again, or worse, the one who removes her stories without warning first.  I promised I would at least warn you and let you know what was going on.  So now that that time has come, here it is.

I will not be removing my stories, and I will continue to pay for my domain so my site can stay online.  I don’t want Dreamer’s Sanctuary to disappear completely.  I’m also not going to say that I will never write again.  I hope that, after taking some time off, I will rediscover my love of writing.  I would love to explore other fandoms, such as Harry Potter, The Walking Dead, and Tetris, as well as original fiction.  And who knows, maybe one day I’ll even come back to BSB and finish some of the unfinished stories I’m leaving behind.  But for now, it’s time for me to say goodbye.

Thank you for all the support over the years!

Signing off,
