You’re never going to believe this, but Guilty Roads has been updated with Chapter 12! LP is going to be excited, I know! 🙂
I am sincerely sorry that it’s been SO long since the last GR update in January of 2012. I started off strong with this story in June of 2010, and then I got the idea for Curtain Call, and ever since then, there’s always been another story that has sounded better or, to be perfectly honest, easier to write, and Guilty Roads has gotten pushed further and further down the priority list. The good news is that I’ve since finished some of these stories or at least gotten them out of my system, in order to make GR a priority again.
Honestly, this story has not been an easy one to write. As much as I enjoy reading suspense, writing it is a completely different story – it’s hard for me! Add in the fact that this one has a complicated plot with several interweaving storylines that require a lot of research, and this has proven to be quite the challenge.
I held off on posting this chapter until I had made enough progress to ensure I’d be able to update at least a few more times before falling by the wayside again – and hopefully that won’t happen this time. Curtain Call is done, Secrets of the Heart is done, and Song for the Undead is almost done, so I’m not stretched QUITE as thin as I have been for the past three years. I’m really hoping I can keep up the momentum I’ve had going this week and not get blocked again so I can keep churning out chapters because I know some of you have been waiting quite patiently for more for a long time now! I don’t want to disappoint.
I hope you enjoy the update. Please leave a review and let me know if you’re still reading!