About Me!



Here is some stuff about me. I got these questions from a survey I got in my email.



Full name: Julie Elizabeth Lewis

Nicknames: Jules, J-Rok

Birthday: March 7, 1985

Zodiac: Pisces

Age: 16

Gender: female

Location: IL

Past locations: none, I've always lived in IL

School: high school

Hair color: light brown

Eye color: blue

Height: about 5’4” or 5'5"

Glasses or no: used to, but now I have contacts.

Braces or no: used to, but I got them freshman year

Piercings/Tattoos: pierced ears



Type of music: pop, alternative, r&b, and some hip-hop/rap, depending on the song

Bands/Artists: Backstreet Boys, Krystal, BBMak, 98°, 2Ge+her, Jessica Simpson, Aaron Carter, Christina Aguilera, Papa Roach, Limp Bizkit, Blink 182, Fuel, Sum 41, Linkin Park, Dream, Destiny’s Child, Eiffel 65, Eminem, Will Smith, Sisqo, and many others that I’ve forgotten to name.

Songs:  my favorite song changes all the time, but I love any Bsb song, and my current favorite non-Bsb songs are Linkin Park’s “Crawlin”, Sum 41’s “Fat Lip”, and Fuel’s “Hemmorage”. (I’m really into rock right now, if you can’t tell lol)

Movies: Titanic, Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, and 2Ge+her

Sport: Basketball, Football, Swimming

Foods: Pizza, Tacos, Chocolate

Drink:  Cherry Coke

Magazines: Teen People, YM, CosmoGirl

Books: "Don't Die, My Love" by Lurlene McDaniel and “Kissed By an Angel” by Elizabeth Chandler

Place to hang out: mall, movies, friends' houses, my room

Hobby: Writing fanfics, reading fanfics, chatting online, swimming, singing, playing piano, reading, listening to music

Cereal: Oreo O's

Subject in School:  choir, British literature

Day of the Week: Friday

Month: June

Season: Spring and Fall

Online chatroom: don’t really have one, but I guess the AOL Bsb one

Fruit: grapefruit

Berry: strawberry

Vegetable: corn, broccoli

Fast food joint:  McDonald’s (I liked the BK promotion, but I can’t stand their food LOL)

Restaurant: Bennigan’s, Avanti’s and good ol’ Pizza Hut, lol

Numbers: 4, 7, 13

Holiday: Christmas

Color: blue, purple

Cartoon character:  Timmy, Cartman, and Big Gay Al on "Southpark"

Pizza topping(s): cheese

Movie soundtrack: Titanic, Braveheart (I don’t actually have this soundtrack, but I loved the music in it!)

Animal(s): lions, dolphins, and monkeys

Candy: Snickers

Places to shop: American Eagle, Abercrombie, Sam Goody, Spencer's

Car: VW Bug, Mercury Cougar


Have you ever…

Danced around naked: yeah

Been drunk: no

Gotten high: no

Ran away from home: no

Held a gun: not a real one

Gotten in a car accident: no

Watched Punky Brewster: once I think LOL

Gone skinny-dipping: no

Cheated on a test: uh… sorta

Played strip poker: no

Broken a bone: yes

Had a medical emergency: no


Do you…

Have a pager: no

Have a cell phone: no

Have your own car: yes!

Have money in your pocket: no

Have clothes on right now: yeah

Refer to yourself in the third person: no

Overreact: yeah

Have any pets: yeah

Save e-mails: yeah (send me feedback, I save all those… *hint, hint*)

Smoke: no way

Do drugs: no way

Drink: no

Look like anyone famous: no

Sleep on your stomach or your back: stomach

Sleep with stuffed animals: not anymore

Sleep with the lights on or off: off

Think you're funny: yeah sometimes

Have any brothers or sisters: yeah, a sister

Have a pool: no, I wish

Party a lot: not really

Go online a lot: yeah

Sleep a lot: no

Curse a lot: sometimes

Have a job: babysitting and tutoring

Like lollipops: yeah


This or That

Button fly or zipper jeans: don’t care

Cookies, cakes, or pies: cookies

French toast, pancakes, or waffles: waffles

Twinkies or Ding-Dongs: I don't really like either, but I guess ding-dongs

Coffee or tea: coffee

Hot or cold: hot

One pillow or two: 2

Lace or satin: satin

Red or blue: blue

New or old: new

Here or there: there

Sweater or sweatshirt: sweatshirt

Pencil or pen: pen

T-shirt or tank top: t-shirt

Stripes or solids: solids

Wool or cotton: cotton

Chocolate milk or plain: chocolate

Spring or Fall: Spring

Summer or Winter: Summer

History or science: history

Skiing or swimming: swimming

Croutons or bacon bits: bacon bits

2 doors or 4 (on a car): 4 doors

Ruffles, Lays, or Pringles: Pringles

Blanket or stuffed animals: stuffed animals, mostly named after certain guys I like or have liked LOL

Shampoo or conditioner:  both

Dumper or dumpee: dumper

Relationship or hook-up: relationship

Purple grapes or green: purple

Bridges or tunnels: tunnels

Coke or Pepsi: Coke

Oranges or apples: oranges

Deaf or blind: neither, but if I had to pick, I’d be deaf any day

Pools or hot tubs: pools

Blondes or brunettes: brunettes

TV or radio: TV

Snow or rain: snow



What is your most prized possession: my computer and CD player

What is your good luck charm:  don’t really have one

What is the worst song you've ever heard:  N Suck’s “Pop” and Baha Men’s “Who Let the Dogs Out”

What is the most embarrassing CD you own: The "Goodburger" soundtrack and the first 'N Sync CD

What store would you max out your credit card on: American Eagle and Sam Goody

What do you do most often when you are bored: daydream

What is the last movie you rented: "Save the Last Dance”

What is the last movie you saw in a theater: "Pearl Harbor”

What brand of shoes do you wear: Adidas

What kind of clothes do you sleep in, if any:  t-shirts and boxers or flannel pants

What are your favorite girl names: Brianne and Alexa

What are your favorite guy names: Brian and Josh

What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: eyes and smile

What college do you want to go to: University of Kentucky

What do you want to be when you "grow up": teacher or doctor

What does your room look like: It is blue and yellow, and it has lots of flowers and Bsb stuff.

What color toothbrush do you use: silver

What turns you on: hot, hyper, athletic guys with wavy hair, blue eyes and a good sense of humor. (Brian)

What was/will be the best day of your life: the day I went to a Bsb concert and the day I shook Howie’s hand!

What was the worst day of your life so far: I haven't had one that I can think of

What color underwear are you wearing: light pink

What is your shoe size: 8

Who do you wanna marry: the man I love

Where do you wanna live when you "grow up": Lexington, Kentucky… actually, I don’t really care at this point. 

Which of the seven dwarfs fits you best: Doc or Dopey

How many people are on your buddy list:  I dunno… a lot… it changes all the time.

What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use: Thermasilk

If you had three wishes, what would they be: to go to another Bsb concert, to meet Bsb, and to marry the man I love

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be: I would like to have more self confidence

How many bedrooms does your house have: 3

Are you ticklish: not really

If yes, where are you ticklish the most: my feet

How many kids do you wanna have: 2 or 3


Well, I guess that’s it.  If you have any questions or comments, please email me.








Dreamer’s Sanctuary © 2000-2015  by Julie Lewis


Disclaimer:  This site was created by me.  The title, design, banners, and any other original material are copyrighted and may not be used.  All of the stories found under the “My Stories” and “Collaborated Stories” sections of this site are mine and may not be copied or posted anywhere online without my consent.  The same goes with the hosted stories and their authors.  Any email, instant message, or other form of feedback can be used for any purpose on this site without the consent of the sender.  I am not a Backstreet Boy.  I am not a family member of a Backstreet Boys.  I am not associated with the Backstreet Boys, their management, their record company, or any other person or company affiliated with them.  In fact, I do not even know the Backstreet Boys.  This site is a fan site, created by a fan, for fans.