

One of the most popular questions asked of writers seems to be “Where did you get your idea?”  Sometimes it’s a hard question to answer, but for this particular story, we have a record of how, exactly, the idea came about.

This is how we got the idea for Song for the Undead:  the two of us were chatting one night with our friend Dee, and we had gotten quiet.  Somehow, a joke turned into a joke idea, which turned into this story.  We saved the chat transcript as a record of our insanity, which you can read below!


July 18, 2008
12:00 a.m. CST

Dee: Is everyone dead?

Julie: yes

Dee: Oh noes! Julie is a ghost!

Julie: I prefer zombie

Dee: But dead people scare me.

Julie: sorry… I can be a friendly zombie?

Dee: That won’t haunt me or eat my brains?

Julie: sure….

Dee: Okay, then I guess we can still be friends.

Dee: We could even sell our friendship to NBC and make bank. Me and my zombie…

Dee: *sings*

Julie: LMAO! My zombie… my zombie… my zombie and me!

Dee: In the show, can you go on the zombie equivalent of the Atkins diet where you no longer eat brains? lol

Julie: can I eat liver instead? It grows back…

Dee: Well, yes, once you go on the Atkins diet. lol

Julie: yay!

Julie: I also like heart; it’s nice and meaty

Dee: Mmmm…. *slurrrp* lol

Dee: Do these have to be people hearts, or can you handle sheep hearts?

Julie: hey Rose… Backstreet Boys, zombies, collab? *hopes to summon Rose back*

Julie: people hearts, preferably people I don’t like

Julie: I like my hearts a little black


Dee: So are you dead also, then, Rose?

Rose: No lol

Rose: I just speak with the dead

Dee: Perfect.

Dee: Like Julie?

Rose: and we can’t sell Me and My Zombie lol

Rose: cause we wanna sell 00Carter to NBC first

Dee: Why can’t we sell them both? lol

Rose: cause I want 00Carter as a show first lol

Julie: yeah, I agree, 00Carter first

Julie: but after that, we could totally make a zombie show

Rose: LOL

Dee: Are the Backstreet Boys zombies or do they kill the zombies?

Dee: Because I would write that. lol

Rose: maybe instead of zombies can it be undead mummies?

Dee: I want them to kill the zombies. lol

Dee: The could be like top secret branch of the government. lol

Rose: but mummies means Egypt

Rose: and I like Egypt lol

Dee: Me too.

Dee: They could do both. lol

Julie: I like Egypt, but I like zombies because maybe then one of them could get bitten and become a zombie himself! Oh noes!!! We could capitalize on the whole Twilight/vampire craze by doing zombies! They’re almost the same, just less attractive

Julie: and they can’t turn into bats

Rose: poor zombies

Dee: But they could enjoy livers.

Julie: I know. They should be able to turn into rats or something to compensate

Rose: maybe these are a new breed of zombies that turn into roaches

Julie: true. And livers are totally more satisfying than blood

Julie: I was thinking roaches! After I said rats. Roaches are cool, and being a roach would be an added benefit because they can live without heads

Julie: so if someone’s out to decapitate the zombie, he can just turn into a roach! Yay!

Rose: and can survive a nuclear holocaust

Julie: ooh, zombies + nuclear holocaust would be a fun show

Julie: it’d be like Jericho meets Salem’s Lot meets Dawn of the Dead

Dee: Maybe this is after a world nuclear holocaust and the Backstreet Boys are among the sole survivors? lol

Julie: LMAO of course, cause they’re awesome

Rose: LMAO

Dee: And we could design them kickass military uniforms. lmao

Julie: we could make ourselves survivors as well, and we have to work together to repopulate the earth, amid the threat of zombies

Rose: that AJ would customize

Dee: I call Nick!

Julie: I call Brian!

Rose: sorta like Resident Evil only cooler

Rose: hey no callies!

Julie: you can have AJ

Julie: call him before we get more collaborators

Rose: but I don’t want AJ lol

Julie: Howie?

Dee: Kevin?

Rose: bleh to you both lol

Dee: You know this story would be popular too. lol

Rose: you know we’d end up centering on Nick

Julie: it’s okay, Nick would want to make as many babies as possible to help the human race survive, so everyone could have him!

Dee: Well, yeah. lol

Rose: lol okay then, we share Nick and I’m peachy lol

Julie: yeah, there used to be a lot of vampire Bsb fics, but not so many zombie ones. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a zombie one. Vampires… ghosts, yes… zombies, no.

Dee: I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. lol

Rose: LOL Are we seriously talking about a new story

Dee: See? So once again we would be ahead of the curve.

Dee: lol

Julie: seriously? No. But I do like zombies.

Rose: don’t get me excited

Dee: I’d write it. lol

Julie: LMAO I knew you’d come back if I said collab

Rose: you two know better lol

Dee: You know, Rose…

Rose: lol actually it was the zombies

Dee: This is how 00Carter went. lol

Julie: well, if the Indy fic doesn’t pan out after 00Carter, this is always a possibility

Rose: yes it is

Dee: You got excited about it, then I agreed to do it, then Julie signed on. lol

Rose: ya know, I think this would mesh better

Rose: we’d have a lot more random opportunities

Julie: than the Indy fic?

Rose: like how 00Carter is, the Indy one is limiting

Dee: More research involved.

Julie: yeah, we could make more up with the zombies

Dee: And it being set in the future. lol

Julie: cause who knows what a post-nuclear holocaust world would be like

Rose: Plus think of Nick with a bad ass weapon, shredded army garb on

Julie: mmmm

Dee: ^That’s what I was saying! lmao

Rose: you know you want to lol

Rose: or even Brian

Julie: Brian for sure!! Those arms…

Rose: hehe see, and…hmm what about a good title

Dee: And Kev’s arms with badass army gear.

Rose: ooh mm

Rose: Nick, Kevin and Brian would definitely look the best

Julie: AJ too

Julie: title… Brains for Breakfast?

Rose: Ya know if we did this, I think the three of us should just do it probably. Look how well we work together lol

Rose: It wouldn’t be as involved as 00Carter

Rose: Apocalypse Central? lol

Rose: don’t run away when I get collaby! lol

Rose:  lonely…I’m mr. lonely…

Julie: LOL

Rose: Yay! undead life! lol

Julie: yeah, I agree, if it ever panned out into a story, it would probably be best with just us

Julie: or maybe us and Kelly

Rose: where’s Dee lol

Julie: I dunno. You disappeared for awhile too. She’ll come back

Rose: I was thinking Kelly but she has a lotta projects so I was iffy on if she’d say yes lol

Julie: true… and I dunno if she’d like the whole zombie thing? It’s not exactly fluffy LOL

Rose: I was surfing and didn’t see it light up lol

Rose: neither is Fan Friction, or Supernatural lol

Julie: true

Rose: I think she’d dig the concept, I think it’d be motivation

Rose: that would be stopping her

Rose: and you say if it ever pans out like it won’t

Rose: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombies_in_popular_culture

Julie: LMAO

Rose: yes I wikid lol

Rose: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Zombie_Survival_Guide

Rose: You know we could just name it Survival

Julie: too vague

Rose: lol Brains for Breakfast is too cheesy

Rose: I want a dark twisted title lol

Julie: it’s a play on Oreos LOL

Rose: I know lol besides it should be Liver for Lunch lol

Julie: Song for the Undead

Julie: that could be the sequel!

Rose: hey I like that

Rose: lmao

Rose: Song For The Undead is a nice play off of Unloved lol

Julie: I know! LOL

Rose: and we can a lyric even “This is a prayer that tomorrow will help us leave the past behind” as the first line of the summary

Julie: I totally wanna write a couple of children’s books about zombies called Brains for Breakfast and Liver for Lunch now LMAO. They totally remind me of those Bailey School Kids books… like Leprechauns Don’t Play Basketball and all of those

Julie: ooh!

Rose: how perfect is the lyric! lmao

Julie: it’s good!

Julie: we would make this AU, right?

Rose: I dunno, we could go either way

Julie: I think it would be less cheesy as AU

Rose: agreed

Julie: cause what are the chances of the Backstreet Boys being among the last survivors? LMAO

Rose: plus Brian’s not married lol

Julie: it would probably be better if they didn’t even know each other at the start… they meet because they are the only survivors

Julie: then they can all have a different back story

Julie: yeah, no wives… or dead wives, whichever LOL

Rose: And then the summary can go into like “This is the tale we leave behind in hopes someone will reach tomorrow. The world was different once, filled with life with promise of tomorrow. Now there is none. Now there is darkness, horror and death as a guarantee. Read this, and learn. Perhaps we may survive to tell you the tale in person one day”

Rose: or something twisted like that lol

Rose: and they can be part of a small band of survivors

Julie: LOL I like

Rose: lol knew you would

Rose: Dee needs to come back now that I’m slowly convincing you lol

Rose: I’m inviting Kelly in the room

Julie: LOL okay

Yahoo! Messenger with Voice: Kelly has joined the conference.

Rose: yes we lol

Kelly: I see. haha

Rose: Dee needs to come back, but yay

Kelly: I didn’t when I typed that

Rose: So…lol how hard would it be for me to convince you into another project Kelly?

Julie: hey Kelly!

Kelly: lmao you whore! what kind of project???

Kelly: hi Julie!

Rose: hey you love me!

Julie: another project that was a joke until like 5 minutes ago LOL

Rose: Plus this was Julie’s idea!

Julie: it’s my fault this time

Rose: well that was how 00Carter started lol

Kelly: lol those always last long

Rose: sometimes joke ideas work

Rose: So basically what we have is a post nuclear holocaust world, where zombies are the dominant species

Rose: and we’re following the tale of a small group of survivors (featuring the boys obviously)

Kelly: ooh, this sounds fun

Kelly: zombies are cool

Rose: we’re thinking it’s just you, me, Julie, and Dee writing this

Rose: cause it won’t be as involved as 00Carter, promise lol

Julie: and this came from Rose disappearing and Dee going “Is everyone dead?” and I was like “Yes,” and she was like “Oh noes! Julie’s a ghost!” and I was like “I prefer zombie.”

Kelly: even better. I’m excited that I get to be part of your elite-ness

Kelly: LMAFO! That’s how you know it’s truly inspired

Julie: only the coolest can write the Backstreet Boys fighting zombies… LMAO

Julie: we’re calling it Song for the Undead

Kelly: LMAO

Julie: after my suggestion of Brains for Breakfast was shot down  LMAO

Kelly: Perfect!!!!!

Rose: LOL I love how our best ideas come from one random line

Rose: LOL

Kelly: ok, I’m in.

Rose: I was telling Julie how the summary go start with “This is a prayer that tomorrow will help us leave the past behind” cause I loved the title

Julie: … and the joke turns into a project. Curse you, Rose LOL

Rose: lmao you started it

Rose: you said zombies and collab

Rose: your fault

Julie: I know, but I started it as a joke

Rose: so did 00Carter LOL

Julie: only to summon you back

Kelly: I know. Curse you! I still have half a part to write on your last random online chat turned huge project.

Julie: *sigh* I know…

Rose: you both love me

Rose: is it my fault that around me random jokes turn into new stories?

Julie: yes


And that’s how this project began!  This site was launched exactly one week later, July 25, 2008.  Sadly, Kelly ended up not writing with us because her computer got stolen a couple days after this conversation, and she didn’t feel like starting a new story after that.  Dee did start writing with us, but decided not to continue with the story.

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