A 00Carter Christmas
In a picturesque living room, a snug, oriental rug lies upon a pristine wooden floor before a roaring fireplace. On the mantle, a pair of stockings embroidered with the names “00Carter” and “Drums” are hung with care. Beside the fireplace is a full Douglas fir Christmas tree, sparkling with a rainbow of lights that make its ornaments shine. Several adorable children come through the front door into the living room. They shed their winter coats excitedly and sit upon the rug to warm themselves by the fire.
As the kids settle down, two men enter the room to a round of applause. One flashes a charming grin as he runs a hand through his golden blond hair, looking like an early nineties catalogue model in his festive outfit: a forest green sweater vest patterned with snowflakes over a cream-colored turtleneck and pleated black slacks. The other wears red and green plaid slacks with a bright red Christmas tree sweater that matches his robotic right eye, which glows red in its socket as his light blue left eye looks around the room. He pats his curly Chia Pet hair and adjusts the metal headband that holds his prosthetic eye in place.
Both men pause to look past the children at the small audience that has gathered to watch the taping of their holiday special.
“What a wonderful time of year it is!” says Nick, glancing at Drums.
“Dat’s right,” Drums agrees. “It be da–”
Nick clears his throat. “Ahem. My dear Drums, perhaps we can speak a bit more properly for our younger guests.” Laughter rings through the studio as he smirks at Drums, ignoring the look of loathing Drums gives him when the kids aren’t watching.
“Right you are, Nick!” replies Drums. “Pip pip, cheerio! What I meant to say was, it certainly is the best and most joyous time of year! A time for giving…”
Nick nods. “And a time for sharing! It’s a time when all of the fighting and petty things must be put aside.”
Drums swings his arm around Nick, his silver right hand resting atop Nick’s shoulders. “Right-o! And it’s a time when we can all start anew and forgive all the wrongdoings of the past.”
Nick gives a grin so big that it seems to be testing the endurance of his cheeks. “So we come together now, Himitsu Takana…”
“…and FANS alike,” Drums chimes in, “now at Christmas… here to give you…”
“…a special Christmas treat!” Nick finishes.
“We have for you two tales that show you dears the true meaning of Christmas!” announces Drums.
“And the lessons that come along with it!” adds Nick.
“So now,” says Drums, “we give you our first holiday tale.”
The two men settle into the red leather armchairs that sit on either side of the rug. The kids look up at them eagerly with shining eyes.
Nick takes a sip from his steaming mug of hot cocoa. “Twelve Hours Before Christmas.” He picks up a picture book and shows the children the cover before he opens it and begins to read. “‘Twas twelve hours before Christmas, and all through HimTak…”