Song for the Undead is a collaboration between Julie, Rose, and formerly Dee. Learn more about the authors below!
Name: Julie
Favorite Backstreet Boy: Brian
Favorite zombie movie: Frankenstein (1931), Night of the Living Dead
Favorite internal organ: liver
Five items I’d want with me in a zombie apocalypse:
1. chainsaw, for decapitating zombies
2. Michael Jackson’s Thriller album, to make the zombies dance
3. Hummer, in which to blare said Thriller album while escaping from and/or flattening zombies
4. laptop, for communication and entertainment purposes
5. set of Harry Potter books, for down time between zombie attacks
Name: Rose
Favorite Backstreet Boy: Nick
Favorite zombie movie: Resident Evil
Favorite internal organ: heart
Five items I’d want with me in a zombie apocalypse:
1. guns
2. unlimited ammo
3. mp3 player
4. Zombie Survival Kit
5. Code Red Mountain Dew
Name: Dee
Favorite Backstreet Boy: Nick
Favorite zombie movie: I’m actually terrified of zombies, so the only one I could think of was Pet Sematary, so I’ll go with that.
Favorite internal organ: I like the heart, that’s where kindness comes from.
Five items I’d want with me in a zombie apocalypse:
1. Probably Rose and Julie. Being in a post-apocalyptic world without them wouldn’t be any fun.
2. A crossbow. It’s the coolest weapon ever.
3. Communication devices for everyone in our survival party, so we could keep tabs on everyone’s life status. That way, no one in the party would turn into a zombie without everyone else knowing.
4. A bat for bashing in abandoned store windows; zombies can smell blood.
5. My laptop for the rare moments of zombie peace, so I could write about the Greek system for no one to be alive to read… lol