Category: <span>Updates</span>

Still More Potter, Plus Something New!

Chapter 8 of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Backstreet Boy is up!  This is probably the last update I’ll post on that one for awhile because I’m finally caught up to myself, and in the meantime, I’ve been working on a new story!

My new novel is called Sick as My Secrets, and the prologue and first chapter are up.  This is a sequel to a short story I wrote last summer called Unsuspecting Sunday.  I wrote that story as a one-shot, but I also wrote it with this idea in mind.  It was meant to be a challenge to myself, to see if I could write a slash story seriously, but also to explore the possibility of taking it farther and turning it into a novel.  This is the start of said novel.  The original short story is listed under the slash genre, but you’ll notice there is no slash label on the novel.  That’s because this isn’t a slash.  To me, a slash story is about a romantic and/or sexual relationship between two people of the same gender.  This story is about the relationship between two friends and how a sexual encounter affects their friendship, but it’s also about so much more than that.  I could tell you what it’s really about, but then I wouldn’t get the joy out of reading your reactions when you find out.  All I’ll say is that it’s a story so angsty, it’s going to make Curtain Call read like a romantic comedy.  No matter how you feel about slash, if you like drama, I hope you’ll give it a chance.

That said… I watch a lot of South Park, and one thing its creators, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, often say on the DVD commentary of certain episodes is, “This is one where you’re either on the train, or you’re not, and if you’re not on the train, it’s a big bummer.”  This is one of those stories.  Like many of my best stories, it started as a joke in my head, the kind of over-the-top idea that made me go, “Haha, I can’t write that… but OMG, it would be awesome if I did.”  Some of you are going to love it, and some of you are going to think it goes too far.  There are certain lines that some writers won’t cross in fanfic:  some writers won’t kill the Boys; others won’t write sex scenes, etc.  As far as I can remember, I’ve really only ever had two “lines”:  I don’t write slash, and I don’t hurt Backstreet kids.  I’m just going to throw it out there now:  before the end of Chapter 1, I do both.  Clearly, I have no more lines.  Nothing is off-limits now.

If you’re on board with that, then I hope you’ll enjoy this story.  It’s going to be an angst-filled ride!

New Layout!

Wow, look at that, two days in a row!  When was the last time that happened?

I don’t have any actual story updates to post today, but the site does have a new look!  Surprise!  This layout change was sort of a spur-of-the-moment decision, courtesy of the crazy “polar vortex” weather we’ve been having in the Midwest, which has kept me out of school for the past two days.  No complaints here!

Anyway, I decided that it was time for a change.  I was ready for some color around here!  I hope you like the new layout.  I don’t know if anyone reading this now will remember, but the main page of the very first version of this site had a cloud background, so consider this a homage, though without the Comic Sans font and annoying midis playing in the background.  The site’s come a long way since the year 2000!  Thanks for continuing to visit!


Undead Update!

Sorry it’s been such a long time, but Rose and I finally have an update on Song for the Undead to share with you!  Chapter 106 has been posted.  We hope you enjoy reading it on the new site!

Guilty Roads Again!

In sticking with my resolution to update more, I posted another chapter of Guilty Roads.  Chapter 16 is up!  This is probably the last chapter you’ll get for awhile, since Chapter 17 isn’t done yet, and it’s been awhile since I’ve actually worked on the story.

I plan to post some more chapters of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Backstreet Boy in the coming weeks, since I’ve been holding out on you guys for awhile with that one.  Stay tuned!

New Year, New Chapter!


I know it’s been a long time since I’ve updated the site, and I apologize for that!  As I mentioned in a previous update, I am in the process of getting my master’s, in addition to working full time, so the writing time I used to have on the weekends is often spent writing things for school instead. 🙁  As a result, I’m rusty and scattered when it comes to writing fanfic, but I want to assure you that I still have plenty of ideas and every intention of continuing to write when I can!

I realized I’ve been hoarding several chapters of my in-progress stories since summer that I wanted to start posting.  So I’m going to start with Chapter 15 of Guilty Roads.  I have one more chapter where this one came from that I will post soon, but after that, it may be awhile before I update that one again.  I haven’t worked on it since July or so.  Just warning you so you can decide whether the new chapter is worth reading or not!  I will understand if you don’t want to commit.

I also have more chapters of my Harry Potter crossover ready to post, and I HAVE been working on that one again lately, so stay tuned in the coming days/weeks for those!  I may have a new story or two up my sleeve as well, but I’m waiting to see how much progress I make before posting anything new.  I don’t want to leave you guys hanging too long on anything else!

As always, thanks for visiting the site, thanks for reading my stories, and thanks for leaving feedback!  Whether I’m writing or not, I always appreciate it!  Just FYI, Yahoo has been a hot mess lately, and I haven’t been able to access my email, so if you email me and don’t hear back, tweet me or post on my forum if you need to get a hold of me.  Thanks!

Here’s hoping for more updates in the new year!

Tale as Old as Time…

I have a couple of new old short stories for you today.  I wrote both of them for the Fairy Tale Challenge over at Absolute Chaos, which required us to write a fanfic twist of Beauty and the Beast that fit our writing niche.  The challenge was anonymous, and the goal was to see if we could identify the writer of each tale based on how they chose to twist it.  Now that the challenge is over, I can post my two stories under my own name.

The first one I wrote is called Shorty and the Deceased, and the other is Beauty and the Backstreet Boy.  They can both be found on my Short Stories page.  If you didn’t read them over on AC, I hope you enjoy reading them now!

Both of these stories were written back in early August before school started, and I’ll be honest – I haven’t written anything since my last update.  I have been crazy busy with work and class.  Maybe one of these weekends I’ll have the right combination of free time and inspiration needed to write.  Bear with me.  Thanks for your patience!

Also, thanks for your votes at the Double Rainbow Awards!  I won Best Author, Best Series for Broken, Best Novel and Best First Person POV for Curtain Call, and Runner-Up Best Angst for Unsuspecting Sunday!  Thanks again!