I’m sorry I just disappeared for three months; I bet you all thought I died of Nick Plague, but that was just an April Fool’s prank. 😉  In reality, I was just trying to make it through the grueling last three months of my master’s program.

The good news is… I MADE IT!  I’m DONE!!!  Hallelujah!!!  Not only will I be making more money (and, you know, hopefully making more of a difference in children’s lives and all that good stuff), but I will also have more TIME!  Time to read!  Time to write!  I can’t wait!

I have completely neglected this site and my stories all spring and summer (so far).  I hadn’t even checked my email since March or April, so it was a pleasant surprise to log in and find feedback from several lovely readers on stories I haven’t updated in forever!  I apologize that I haven’t responded to any of these emails, comments, or reviews; I plan to play catch up over the next couple days and take care of that.  Thanks for understanding!  I’m also going to do some rereading of Sick as My Secrets so I can get back into writing that.  I’m also rereading the Harry Potter series in preparation for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child that comes out at the end of the month, so hey, maybe that will even inspire me to write some more of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Backstreet Boy.  Who knows?  No updates today, but they are coming, I promise!  I don’t plan to disappear again anytime soon.  I also just renewed the Dreamer’s Sanctuary domain through 2019, so the site’s not going anywhere either.

As always, thanks to those of you who have stuck with me!  I know I’ve said that a lot and apologized a lot over the last three years, but between work and class and general “adulting,” I just haven’t been able to keep up with the fanfic thing.  Now that one major responsibility is off my plate, I should have room for writing in my life again, and I’m so happy about that!  I still love the Boys (and am excited for new music!), love the stories I’ve started, and want to finish them.  Thanks for your support!  And to my fellow Americans: Happy Independence Day!

Let freedom ring!

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