I ain’t nobody’s superhero, but…

I ain’t nobody’s superhero, but…

I’m back!  More on that in a minute, but first, have you heard Nick’s new song “Superman” yet?  If not, what are you waiting for?!  Go download it now!  It’s seriously so, so good in every way – musically, lyrically, symbolically… so clever and such a fitting metaphor for what Nick has been through over the past few years, this last year especially.  He’s been so strong for his family and fan-mily.  Love you, Nick!

Switching gears from Nick to Kevin, Chapter 42 of The World Will Be Waiting is finally up!  I apologize again for the delay.  It’s unfortunate timing that I ran out of chapters right around back-to-school time, which is one of the busiest times of year for me.  I’m still writing daily and will continue to do so once school starts next week, but with as long as my chapters have been in this story, it may be a few weeks between updates until I can get ahead of myself again.  Thanks for understanding!  I appreciate your patience, but I also don’t mind being asked for status updates and will give you an honest answer about how the new chapter’s going.  The Boys will be back in the next one as their hometown roadtrip begins!

I hit page 500 on TWWBW this week!  It’s been longer than MBK in terms of both pages and word count (just not chapter count yet) for a little while and is now the longest story I’ve written all in one Google Doc.  I obviously have longer novels, but I either wrote them in Microsoft Word before switching over to Google or divided them into smaller documents.  I wrote MBK all in one document, and that sucker was slow as molasses by the end.  We’ll see who gives up on the one document format first with this one, Google or me.  Unlike Word, Google Docs has a limit to how large a document can be, but I’m not exactly sure what it is.  According to the internet, the limit is 1.02 million characters.  I’m already at 1,239,492 characters including spaces, but if spaces don’t count, I’m at just over a million, so I may soon find out if that’s true.  All I know for sure is that Broken, By My Side, and Song for the Undead are all too long to be converted to single Google Docs, so I had to break them up into smaller parts in order to back them up on Google Drive.  Will TWWBW be next?  We’ll see!

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